Coral reefs are one of the most biodiverse, complex and productive ecosystems on earth. Maldivian coral reefs contribute up to 5% of the worlds reef area. Sadly, they are also one of the world's most endangered ecosystems and the last several decades has experienced increasingly stressful conditions due to a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors.
The internship usually last one or two months, depending on the needs of the students.
The training course is organized in theorical lectures and field activities, focused on the acquisition of different practical skills.

Identify the main coral families of Feridhoo house reef

Diving skills to work underwater

Nursery site assessment and fragment collection

Preparing for monitoring transplanted colonies

Assess coral health conditions

Take active part during reef restoration procedures

Monitoring nursery-grown colonies and mortality rates

Data collection and analysis

Use different visual sampling techniques at different depths and methods
(snorkeling and diving)

Nursery selection, construction and deployment

Transplantation of nursery-grown corals testing different attachment methods